Ingrid Bergmann & Associates

Perhaps you’re not sure you know when or how to retire. Maybe it’s time to investigate part-time or self-employment, pursue an unrealized dream or consider a new career. This program is suitable for anyone managing their own transition to retirement.

Research shows that individuals with clear plans are more confident, able to move forward more easily to the next stage of life, and less likely to create false starts.

The investment you make in this program should pay endless dividends in life satisfaction and renewed energy as you discover and incorporate your strengths into a life plan to ease into retirement.

After your initial (complimentary) meeting you will complete three online assessments to help you learn more about your interests and preferences as they relate to various lifestyle choices.  As well, you’ll discover answers to questions like:

What are my strengths?   What is easy for me to do?  What do I want to do next?
How am I unique?   How do I find confidence to start something new?
What could I do if money wasn’t an issue?
How can I best contribute to my community?
How can I get there from here?

This non-financial focused program helps you prepare for the psycho-social changes of retirement, and provides increased confidence about the ongoing wonders of life after retirement.

You’ll define and clarify your unique strengths, values and winning conditions; translate this new self-awareness into a personal action plan to assist in creating a meaningful life; and prepare for conversations with friends and family.

Your investment includes the Retirement Success Assessment & Profile, Career Interest Profile, Career Values Report, books and explanatory materials, and 9 sessions of one-to-one coaching.  A Lumina Spark 65+ page Portrait and 3-session coaching/debrief can be added on to the program.

Additional sessions and coaching with your spouse or partner are also available.