Notification Support
Separations can be managed effectively for the company and compassionately for the departing individual. It is strongly recommended to have a consultant on site to support the employee after they receive the news that their relationship with the company is ending. This work includes three meetings:
- A preliminary meeting to assist the notifying leaders and/or the HR team in preparing for the notification
- Attendance on the day of notification
- The first private off site meeting with the employee to help him/her determine next steps
Transition Programs
I offer a 4-month and a 6-month program that is suitable for senior and executive leaders. Each program provides a series of one-to-one meetings as well as the preparation and follow up time necessary to ensure customization and time to review or edit materials that the client has written. I include books, workbooks and other information that helps make a successful job search easier. The program includes the following assessments: Lumina Spark Portrait, Career Values Scale and Career Interests Profile.
By the end of their program with me, your former employee should be able to:
- Complete the most difficult parts of the grieving process and feel their confidence returning
- Prepare a reason for leaving statement
- Identify several career options that would bring satisfaction and combine their strengths
- Describe their Winning Conditions – those factors of the job that need to present in order for them to be most successful
- Identify and define their values
- Consider the possibility of self-employment
- Create several resumes in chronological and/or functional formats
- Develop a list of references and prepare references for calls
- Manage a variety of networking techniques including informational interviews, cold calls and social media
- Present themselves well in interviews
- Recover from interviews that don’t lead to job offers
- Negotiate an offer of employment that reflects their potential contributions
- Prepare for the first crucial 90 days on the new job