Ingrid has a remarkable ability to see the opportunities ahead and to drive you towards success in your career. Her coaching skills range from establishing your skill set and passions to negotiating offers. She is a joy to work with and I look forward to the next opportunity to work with her.
Investment Research Specialist
Entertainment and the Arts
Job loss can occur suddenly and unexpectedly. As a senior level manager in a large organization I was not well prepared when it happened to me and I needed help and coaching to recover. I was fortunate to connect with Ingrid as part of my career transition package; her compassionate, intelligent and insightful approach to the challenges (and opportunities) of transition helped me to turn the situation into one of personal growth. My experience with Ingrid as a transition coach helped me to develop tools and insights that I continue to use (and value) both personally and professionally.
General Manager
Service Industry
Ingrid was wonderfully supportive and challenging in the time we worked together. She encouraged me to harness my dreams and follow them, both in my personal and work lives. Having identified I wanted to continue my education, I took a one year post-graduate course and have gone on to doctoral work. I credit Ingrid’s unfailing faith in my abilities and understanding of the working world with cementing the first steps to my achievement of a life-long dream and strong financial success. You will learn much you can apply to your life and career should you work with her.
PhD Candidate